Flame by Katie Cross Coloring Page and Q & A

Flame by Katie Cross Coloring Page and Q & A

Here I am deviating from my promised free short story a month—because this month I'm bringing you coloring to pair with an entire book! In the words of one of its main characters, Mori! (Okay, time to wash out my mouth. . .)

I met author Katie Cross a couple of years ago at Missoula, Montana's yearly writing, art, and fandom convention: MisCon. It's an incredibly fun event weekend, full of learning and growth, from listening to panels to participating in workshops with industry professionals. Katie is a fabulous panelist and prolific author. I recently tried out one of her YA novels, Flame, and loved it.

Flame is a fantasy adventure about two sisters who live deep in the forest of Letum Wood. One dreams of becoming a Dragon Servant, a caretaker for the beautiful but endangered forest dragons. One fears that fate with all her heart, desperate for escape.

They both get their wishes—in entirely unexpected ways! One sister makes a connection with a "wild dragon" and the other journeys into the war-torn world beyond the forest to learn magic. Throw in imaginative world building with the god of dragons and the goddess of the forest, lies from the past, and a delightfully grumpy supporting character for a fun read. I'll start Flame's sequel, Flight, soon. I highly recommend the audiobook's narrator if you prefer to listen to your books like I do—or read Flame as in ebook for free.

I was thrilled to do an interview with Katie Cross about Flame. Give it a read. Then grab your free book and coloring page.

Tell me a bit about yourself.

I’m a thirty-something mother of two, lover of dogs, mountains, and wild places that writes YA fantasy from the mountains of Montana.

Tell me a bit about Flame.

Flame is where epic magic meets wild places. Two sisters encounter big adventures as they try to break out of a restrictive family life. One meets a wild dragon while the other discovers a new magic—and both of them must figure out where their heart truly lies.

I love stories with healthy relationships. Tell me about Sanna and Isadora's sister connection.

Oh, these two! We have spunky Sanna, who loves to swing on vines, play with dragons, and be on her own in the forest. On the other side is Isadora, a bit more demure, but equally as adventurous. Isadora wants to break out of their isolated deep-forest village and find the new world that awaits.

Is every human in Flame a witch?

Yes, everyone in the world of Alkarra is a witch.

I was hoping so! That makes for an interesting relationship with magic. It isn't whether you can have it but whether you accept it or reject it.

What inspired your world?

My fathomless love for the outdoors. I created Alkarra to be the world that I most want to trek through and explore, with everything to discover and experience.

What is your world's most fun creature?

My dragons, for sure. Alkarra has four dragon races. Forest, sea, mountain, and desert. They all have different quirks and cultures, and I love them.

Where can people get Flame?

You can grab it free on my website! Just click right here. It’s the best way to start into Alkarra, because there are over twenty novels waiting for you, and more than fifty total titles to read. (Some are big novels, some are requested short stories, and some fall in between.)

What can readers expect from Flame's sequel, Flight?

An awesome, action-packed magical adventure that takes all the elements you loved of the first book and makes them bigger and more intense.

Anything else you want to add?

We have a readers group called the Witchery that you can join on Facebook to meet other rabid readers. Or, you can visit www.katiecrossbooks.com for more great and amazing reads.

Thanks for stopping by! Email me at contact@hunterkaywallace.com or find me on Facebook to recommend other great stories I should share with you guys.

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When Yolenda wants to ride ahead of the caravan, Mum doesn't stop her. No, Mum promotes her. Racing headlong into an adventure would be Yolenda's dream come true—if tonight weren't a Shadow Beast Night.