
Read and Color the Classics with Me!

I've got a huge variety of classic short stories available or on their way. Come back every month for a new classic to read and coloring page to decorate to your heart's content.

Have a short story in the public domain that you'd like featured? Contact me with your favorites!

Watch for special posts featuring contemporary authors. New favorites await!

The Princess on the Glass Hill

The Princess on the Glass Hill

April 05, 2024

Read this Norwegian folktale about the young man who seeks the princess on the glass hill. Then get coloring!

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The Origin of Strawberries Coloring Page

The Origin of Strawberries Coloring Page

July 03, 2024

Enjoy a Cherokee creation myth about the first woman and man. Their relationship story is universal--and a quick read when your time is short.

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Ballad of Mulan Coloring Page

Ballad of Mulan Coloring Page

February 01, 2024

Are you used to movies just using snippets of the original material? Think again. The Ballad of Mulan is only 330 words, but they are rich--perfect for inspiring coloring material.

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Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Coloring Page

Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Coloring Page

January 14, 2024

I read Sherlock Holmes in high school. It was awful. Big words and a slow build. I WAS WRONG. Dive into the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle for a mystery featuring two best friends and a goose! And enjoy the coloring--my treat!

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Flame by Katie Cross Coloring Page and Q & A

Flame by Katie Cross Coloring Page and Q & A

May 07, 2024

Read Flame, Katie Cross's full length YA fantasy, for free. Meet the author. Decorate an adult coloring page with dragons!

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Ali Baba Coloring Page

Ali Baba Coloring Page

March 01, 2024

Print and decorate a coloring page for Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves! You've heard "open sesame." Learn what it came from as you read the short story.

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